

Photo Upload/ID Production

Upload Your Photo

To upload a photo for your ID card please visit the Falcon Exchange Photo Upload Service. Once your photo has been uploaded and approved refer below for instructions on how to retrieve your new ID card.

Retrieve Your ID

Incoming Undergraduate Students:

Current Undergraduate Students and New or Current Employees:

  • Please visit the Falcon exchange during our window hours to retrieve your ID.
  • You will need to bring a form of photo ID with you.

Graduate Students:

  • If you are signed up for a Summer Intensive, you will receive your ID card on your first day on campus.
  • If you are online or plan to be on campus during the Fall or Spring semesters, you will need to come to the Falcon Exchange during our window hours to retrieve your ID.
  • In order to obtain your ID from the Falcon Exchange you will need to bring a form of photo ID with you.

If you are unable to come to the Falcon Exchange during our window hours please email or call us, so we can make other arrangements for you.

Window Hours: 

Monday through Friday: 10:00am to 3:00pm

Contact Information:

Email:  Falconexchange@messiah.edu
Phone: (717) 766-2511 Ext. 7213